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Small Details Make a BIG Difference

What To Do Before & After Your Microblading and Powder Brow Procedure:




The right pre-care and aftercare can truly make a MASSIVE difference in the results. Knowing just how important prep and aftercare are. Using I <3 Ink and Tina Davies Permablend Pigments - their company has researched and experimented with many techniques and combinations to bring you the perfect brow colors. 


The Prep:

All art starts with a blank and properly prepped canvas.  You will get much better results when you properly prep your skin and eyebrow area.


It all starts with a good canvas! The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated.  Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure

  • Do not  have a sunburned face

  • Do not have any type of chemical facial 2 weeks prior to the procedure

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure

  • Do not have BROW AREA botox 3 weeks prior to the procedure

  • DO NOT TAKE FISH OIL or Vitamin E day of the procedure (they are natural blood thinners)

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days prior to the procedure. 


In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit:

  • Do not drink alcohol 24  hours before your tattoo

  • Do not consume coffee immediately before your procedure

  • Do not take an Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (these also thin the blood)

Now that you know what NOT to do, it’s time to share my secret recipe for getting amazing microblading results!




Here is an acronym to help you out, just think of:  A - W - M which stands :  Absorb, Wash, and Moisturize!


The day of the treatment: Absorb (if needed)


After the procedure, gently blot the area with clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every 5 minutes for the full day until the oozing has stopped.  Removing this fluid prevents hardening of the lymphatic fluids.


Days 1-7: Wash


Wash daily to remove bacteria, build up of product and oils, and dead skin.



Gently wash your eyebrows each morning and night with water and an antibacterial soap like Dial Soap, Cetaphil, or Neutrogena. With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the eyebrows. Rub the area in a smooth motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.  


Days 1-7 Moisturize

Apply a rice grain amount of aftercare ointment you were given with a cotton swab and spread it across the treated area. Be sure not to over-apply, as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin. NEVER put the ointment on a wet or damp tattoo. We are trying to prevent scabbing and dead skin build up.

AWM should have you covered, but here are some extra tips to help with a smooth and easy recovery:



Important Reminders

  • Use a fresh pillowcase while you sleep.

  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color.

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

  • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure.  Wear a hat when outdoors.

  • Avoid long, hot showers for the first 10 days.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.

  • Avoid face-down swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first 10 days,

  • Avoid topical makeup and sunscreen on the area.

  • DO NOT rub, pick, or scratch the treated area.

  • ​

Remember, with the proper prep and aftercare routine, you will have much better results with your microblading procedure. Don’t forget your new favorite acronym: AWM - Absorb, Wash, Moisturize!


Important note about showering:


Limit your showers to 5 minutes so that you do not create too much steam. Keep your face/procedure area out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair. Your face should only be getting wet only at the end of the shower.  Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area. All skin heals differently. Depending on your skin type or aftercare you may need multiple treatments. I like to think of it as build a brow!


Any other questions don't hesitate to ask! Please read booking policy above if have not yet for info on deposits and rescheduling. 




Here’s how to get your skin ready your lash line or eyeliner procedure:

  • Do not Perm or Tint your lashes for up to 3 days before your eyeliner procedure.

  • Ensure lash extensions have been removed completely.

  • Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face

  • Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment

  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one month prior and after  treatment (these treatments thin the skin considerably).

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure (excessive oils in the skin can prevent the pigment from retaining).

  • Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior (can mess with symmetry).



To reduce Discomfort during treatment:

  • Try to get a good night sleep before your treatment this will help you relax and make the treatment more comfortable.

  • Drink lots of water- before and during the session – this allows the skin to accept the ink more easily, without thinning the blood.   Pre-numb creams and numbing products throughout your treatment to ease any discomfort, this only lasts around 20-40 minutes. Soon after your treatment the area may feel sensitive or bruised. I recommend applying a dry ice pack or ice wrapped in paper towels or a tea towel to reduce any swelling and soothe the area. Paracetamol will ease any discomfort but avoid Ibuprofen for around 6 hours as this could cause the area to swell. DO NOT COME HUNGOVER. 



Please come with makeup free eyes and NO CONTACT LENSES

Eat breakfast on the day of your treatment, this increases your stamina as treatments like Permanent Makeup 




A variety of products will come into contact with the skin during the treatment including , wax pencil, baby wipes, cling film, nitrile gloves, numbing cream, pigment. I have NEVER had a client that had an allergic reaction to any of these - but please be prepared to declare all allergies before your treatment as I can then use an alternative product where possible.


Other things to consider:

Pigment stains – I use protective hair nets and cover you and all my equipment and couch in tissue and protective film but occasionally tiny droplets of pigment could splash on clothing and may stain, I recommend wearing dark or just work shirts when possible.



My treatment room is cleaned before and after every procedure I consider it a sterile environment so I do not allow pets (other than Assistant Dogs for disabled). or Guests or children.



After Your Procedure

The day of the treatment:

  • Your eyes may feel puffy and bruised, I compare the feeling to that of a Stye or puffy Hay fever symptoms.

  • To reduce the swelling apply a dry cold compress.

  • Try not to touch the area or get it wet for 48hours

  • If you want to wear eye makeup or mascara it’s important to ensure it is clear of bacteria so I advise buying a new mascara, try not to apply too close to the lash roots. To remove use a cleansing wipe and pinch the lashes gently rather than rubbing your eyes.

  • Do not apply any medication or balms to your lash treatment, dry healing works best. The area should be superficially healed and settled within 3-4 days.


Additional Tips To Aid Fast Healing:

  • Take Zinc supplements to aid healing or eat foods high in zinc.

  • Use a fresh pillowcase.

  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of pigment and patchy healed results.

  • No facials, Botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after treatment.

  • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after procedure.

  • Wear a hat when outdoors where possible.

  • Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days

  • Avoid swimming and chlorinated hot tubs for the first 10 days.

  • Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area until fully healed.

  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area.


Limit your showers to 5 minutes so you do not create too much steam. Keep your face out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair. Your face should only be getting wet at the very last end of the shower. Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.


What to expect:

Eye Liner

Day Of- What to Expect:

This can vary from slightly puffy to swollen, heavy lids; light sensitive and possibly bloodshot eyes. It’s advisable to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night.

Day 1 -

Eyes will be swollen and perhaps a bit ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will reduce after being in an upright position and from blinking and increased circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion, and crying.

Day  2 -

Eyes will be less swollen, but will feel tight. The lash area will feel sore if touched.


Day  3-4 -

The top layer of skin will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation. DO NOT PICK– you will pull pigment out and end up with uneven color. Blinking helps eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis that has detached. It is important not to pick at it or rub the eyes.

Day 7-9-

All shedding should be complete. You are safe to put your face back in the shower spray. During this time, the tattoo may appear to have vanished, this is a normal part of the healing process, and the pigment will re-emerge.

Day   10

Pigment, if it faded, should have returned. What you see now is very close to the healed result. If it is not as you like, please wait the final three weeks and return for a touch-up procedure.



NOTE: The outcome of permanent cosmetic procedures is dictated by the canvas (your skin). The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Very oily, dry, or sun damaged skin can be very difficult to achieve a beautiful even result. Mature clients may need an additional one to two weeks healing for the final results to appear.




NOTE: You are unable to donate blood for up to 12 months following Micropigmentation/tattoo Procedure










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